Speeding up Communications
May 9th, 2017 by admin

It keeps on ringing, but Janice in Accounting just isn't picking up the phone. You leave a voicemail. Later, while you're in a meeting, Janet calls you back and leaves a voicemail. You both end up playing phone tag for most of the day, having to listen to your voicemail each time and generally wasting both of your time. You could just send an email, but you'd rather clear this up over the phone or face to face. Boss says you can't drive over to her business location this week. But he needs you to clear this up ASAP. Sound familiar?
Wouldn't it all be easier if you two could see each other's availability and write a quick chat - "Hello, time for a call?" Even better, you could chat over video and talk face-to-face. That is quicker and easier than sending long emails, leaving a voicemail, or driving to her office.
Long story short - you need unified communications. TouchPoint Networks can get your business set up for an easy, centralized messaging and IP phone solution to improve communications. See when your colleagues are online, in a meeting, or working elsewhere, have voicemail messages and faxes forwarded to your email for easy access, and much more! Don't waste your time sorting through all the means of communicating - keep it simple and centralized for more productivity in the office.
Posted in: Products & Services