TouchPoint Networks Blog Articles

Technology News and Articles

IT Security Assessment Guide - All You Need to Know

December 27th, 2021 by admin

A man sitting at a desk working on his laptop

As the cyber threat landscape evolves and becomes more complex, routine IT security assessment is a crucial component of a holistic risk management program. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep an eye on security risks and threats to implement...

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Posted in: Solutions

Alerting Customers About Section 179 Tax Advantage End of Year Deadline

December 13th, 2021 by admin

Young man remote working on laptop in home office

Leading MTSP Reminds Business Owners to Reinvest Before December 31st TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP) is alerting local businesses about Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 179 and the deductions it affords any...

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Posted in: Press Release

TouchPoint Networks Invited to Speak at Technology Assurance Groups Annual Convention

November 3rd, 2021 by admin

A presentation being given to a large audience at an event.

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider to Share Business Expertise and Technology Foresight with Organizations Throughout the U.S. and Canada TouchPoint Networks a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), was recently invited...

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Posted in: Press Release

TouchPoint Networks Launches SaaS Alerting Technology to Manage Common Business Applications

September 30th, 2021 by admin

A man staring at a tablet that is projecting a warring symbol to alert the user of a issue.

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Invests in Advanced Cybersecurity Tools TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), has increased their investments in an advanced cybersecurity technology to create...

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Posted in: Press Release

TouchPoint Networks’ Cybersecurity Platform Deflects Recent Ransomware Attacks on Technology Companies

August 30th, 2021 by admin

A reddish orange safe dial with circuitry patterns and a padlock on it to represent cyber security.

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Keeps SMBs Safe, Once Again TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), recently shared that their robust cybersecurity solutions have protected their customers...

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Posted in: Press Release

How Zultys is Bringing HIPAA Compliance Remote Work Offerings to Medical Organizations

August 30th, 2021 by admin

A smartphone, laptop, and tablet on a desk each displaying the same screen of a cloud icon surrounded by other icons over a bluish-green background

  While industries have struggled to transition to remote working over the past year, the medical industry has faced a different struggle for transitioning to remote work. Medical organization's tools are required legally to be HIPAA compliant....

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Posted in: Products & Services, Solutions

Attackers Have Successfully Hit the Nation's Largest Corporations - Their Onslaught on SMBs Will be Worse - Are You Prepared?

August 4th, 2021 by admin

A hand pointing at a lock icon, cybersecurity concept

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Shares How SMBs Can Protect Themselves from Cyberattacks and Ransomware Threats EUGENE, OR - TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), recently shared that some of...

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Posted in: Press Release

Helping Companies Successfully Adopt the Hybrid Workplace Model with Advanced Technology Solutions

June 29th, 2021 by admin

A man working from home and in a video conference with employees at the workplace

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Maximizes Employee Productivity As Businesses Transition to the New Normal EUGENE, OR - TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider, announced today the company is helping...

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Posted in: Press Release, Solutions

Healthcare Institutions Struggling to Keep Patient Data Safe

May 29th, 2021 by admin

A doctor using a cellphone and laptop with a stethoscope resting on his desk

TouchPoint Networks Shares Startling Findings and Educates Healthcare Providers on Solutions EUGENE, OR - TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider, announced today that the company is sharing a startling fact that has...

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Posted in: Solutions

TouchPoint Networks Celebrates Company’s 20th Anniversary

May 27th, 2021 by admin

TouchPoint Networks 20 Year Anniversy Logo

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Surpasses Major Milestone and Plans for Future Contributions TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP) recently announced that the company is celebrating its 20th year...

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Posted in: Press Release

TouchPoint Networks, Approaching 20 Years of Experience

May 6th, 2021 by admin

 A close up of the face of a man in a suit, with half of his face covered by a web of icons

Next month marks a special event for TouchPoint Networks. June 1st will mark our 20th year in the industry and of providing custom technology solutions to clients. While we have a bigger celebration planned in June for this event, we would like...

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Posted in: News, Success Story, Testimonial

Malware Is Running Rampant - Learn the 3 Moves to Stop It

May 4th, 2021 by admin

Data Security system Shield Protection Verification

TouchPoint Networks Helps Customers Protect Their Precious Networks TouchPoint Networks a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), proactively helps businesses address the increased threat of malware affecting small to mid-sized businesses...

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Posted in: Press Release

TouchPoint Networks Shares How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Impact Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

April 8th, 2021 by admin

A robot reaching out its hands towards the viewer with electricity coming from its fingertips as it's projecting a 2d graphic between it's hands containing a multiple icons over a globe

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Reports on Increases in AI Prevalence TouchPoint Networks a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), reported today on the state of artificial intelligence (AI) and how current applications...

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Posted in: Press Release

Helping the Hospitality Industry Provide Excellent Customer Service

March 31st, 2021 by admin

A hotel employee opening a door with a key card

Providing excellent customer service is vitally important for all businesses. As a hotel owner, you need to ensure that you provide excellent customer service, not only over the phone but also to your customers staying at your hotel. The hotel...

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Posted in: Solutions

Helping Businesses Shift from Survival Mode to Strategic Growth

March 17th, 2021 by admin

People shaking hands

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Presents Workplace Interaction Strategies for Small to Mid-Sized Businesses TouchPoint Networks a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today that the company is helping businesses...

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Posted in: Press Release, Solutions

Unified Communications Improves Collaboration and Productivity

March 4th, 2021 by admin

A man working from home using a computer and a headset

The emergence of COVID-19 last year and the subsequent changes to work practices, such as working from home, and increased video conferencing, have increased the need for businesses to adapt to better support their employees. At TouchPoint Networks,...

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Posted in: Solutions

Leveraging Clearfly for Mission Critical Communications

February 22nd, 2021 by admin

Server cabling

Leading Managed Technology Services Utilizes Clearfly to Keep Key Facilities and Businesses Connected During COVID-19 EUGENE, OR - TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today that the company leverages...

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Posted in: Press Release, Products & Services

TouchPoint Networks Protects SMBs from Exponential Growth in Cybercrime

January 11th, 2021 by admin

Cyber Security Connections Across Globe 3D Rendering

PORTLAND, OR – TouchPoint Networks, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today that it is educating companies on the dramatic spike in cybercrime targeted towards small to mid-sized (SMB) businesses. Cybersecurity Ventures...

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Posted in: Press Release